Women On The Go Month

Women On The Go Month

  • by Silvia Cobos

  In this month where The International Women's Day is celebrated, I want to talk to you about Femininity, a concept that after so many years of fighting in search of gender equality and development opportunities for women, has been distorted by factors such as the misinterpretation of messages in campaigns or because of social paradigms that distort the purpose of feminism and exert pressure towards the forced search for...

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My commitment to YOU and ME in 2023

My commitment to YOU and ME in 2023

  • by Silvia Cobos

DharmaThe beginning of a new year represents an opportunity not only to dream of new experiences but also to reset our commitments. Oftentimes we commit to a goal however the minute we loose rythm and discipline it becomes easy to loose Motivation and keep going. Sound familiar? (Let’s say You start a healthy eating habit, and one day you fall into temptation, then it becomes easier to just give up...

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Top 5 five date ideas to celebrate San Valentine's Day

Top 5 five date ideas to celebrate San Valentine's Day

  • by Silvia Cobos

Visual Board When it comes to goal setting in life, there’s one thing that it’s always present and that is manifestation. We use it consciously or unconsciously in our daily life and our social relations are no exception. That’s why a visual board could be an ideal gift if you wish to hand out an that is meaningful and nourish your relationship since it will picture the goals you wish...

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  • by Silvia Cobos

MENTORSHIP & ROLEMODELS Welcome To this Space! Thinking about what to share for this first newsletter there were MANY ideas on the table that we reviewed with the team, topics that you will eventually see here... but We had to decide on one to start with... and here we are!!! I want share my feelings on The power of having Role Models and Mentors in our lives. Following a “Role...

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