- by Silvia Cobos

Welcome To this Space! Thinking about what to share for this first newsletter there were MANY ideas on the table that we reviewed with the team, topics that you will eventually see here... but We had to decide on one to start with... and here we are!!! I want share my feelings on The power of having Role Models and Mentors in our lives.
Following a “Role Model” I believe has been the oldest learning model of all times, the first method through which we learned the most essential things in life...
In my journey as a brand creator, there have been many Role models present, some have changed, some have stayed… as life evolves, as we age, as we face new challenges, as we achieve success and make mistakes... However I have always chosen to focus on those people who make me vibrate with their experiences, those who move fibers, those who inspire, those whom I hear and say... WOW I would love to embrace that ability.
Today, just before writing this, I was coincidentally listening to a JOEL OSTEEN podcast where he was talking about the power of association, What a real concept!... what you associate with you become... as real as when your mom used to tell you... “don't hang out with those girls because I don't like how they behave”..." I can hear my mom’s voice In my head LOL! Today as a mother, maybe I wouldn’t say it exactly like that 😊 but I do think about it and try to focus on having my children around people who help them grow. I believe it should be the same for all human beings at any age.
We have the free will to see, read, speak, listen to what we want (well, almost always) sometimes we do HAVE to hear or see things we don't want, but as long as we have the option to choose what we read, what we see and with whom we interact It is our responsibility to nurture our interests. And guess what?... This valuable tool is available for everyone, starting NOW
Thanks to social networks, podcasts, online conferences, among others, it is very easy to hear fascinating success stories, stories of entrepreneurship, motherhood, sports, as well as failures and overcoming... so TODAY my invitation is for YOU to identify your "role models" to clean the clutter in your inboxes, your social media, your tv and act on this simple tool… A role model to study and follow can be as easy and simple as your Mom, your sister, a co-worker or even a former President or Famous Speaker!!
Do your homework, seek to associate either in real life or virtually with all those GREAT people out there who feature behaviors that resonate with you! people who encourage you to give more, to pursue that dream, to overcome that obstacle!
Try it, it's a GREAT therapy that you can start TODAY.
My “Role Models”
Virtual / Business
Robin Sharma
Simon Sinek
Mario Hernandez (Highly recomend reading his book “PULGA ARRECHA” where you will be able to know all his history)
Paula Zelaya (Check our interview on IGTV)
David Mahbub (Check our interview on IGTV)
Eva Hugues (Check our interview on IGTV)